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Moderation Module

The moderation module (id: moderation, configuration class: Moderation) contains the following moderation commands:

  • /ban: ban a member; an optional ban duration can be specified, otherwise the ban is permanent
  • /unban: unban a member
  • /kick: kick a member
  • /mute: mute a member using a timeout; the maximum mute duration is 28 days
  • /unmute: unmute a member
  • /warn add: give a member a warning
  • /warn delete: delete a warning by ID; the ID of a warning is visible in the mod logs
  • /note add: add a note to a member; notes are only visible to moderators and not to the noted user
  • /note remove: remove a note by ID; the ID of a note is visible in the mod logs
  • /purge: delete a number of messages from the channel you run the command in; you may optionally filter by user
  • /modlogs: view the moderation actions taken against an user; you may include an action type or exclude one from the list; when ran by moderators, this command can be used to view the mod logs of any user; when ran by other members, they can only view their own mod logs, excluding notes

Bot Permissions

The following bot permissions are required by this module: Kick Members, Ban Members, Time out Members, Manage Messages.

User Permissions

The ban, kick, mute and purge (message deletion) commands require their respective Discord permissions to use.
All other moderation commands require the Time out Members permission. A moderator cannot attempt to moderate a person with a role higher than them, nor can they moderate a person with a role higher than the bot's.

Released under the MIT License.