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File Preview Module

The file preview module (id: file-preview, configuration class: FilePreview) makes the bot react to messages containing files or code blocks (that are either 10 or more lines in length or have more than 300 characters) with a gist emoji. When the emoji is reacted with by another user, the bot will upload the files / code blocks contained in the message to a GitHub Gist so that they're easier to read on both mobile and PC.


In order for this module to work, the auth must be set using a GitHub Personal Access Token with the gist permission:

camelot {
  module(FilePreview) {
    auth = patAuthentication('<insert GitHub PAT here>')

File extension whitelist

Not all files may be previewed. Camelot uses a configurable whitelist to decide which files may have a Gist created.
You can append your own extensions like so:

camelot {
  module(FilePreview) {
    // Whitelist the abcd extension
    extensions += ['abcd']

Bot Permissions

The following bot permissions are required by this module: Send Messages, Add Reactions.

Released under the MIT License.