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Formats used by Camelot

This page explains various formats used by Camelot when displaying or parsing inputs (i.e. durations).


Durations are composed of sequences of numbers and unit specifiers without a space in between. The number will multiply the specified unit.
Camelot supports the following units:

  • n: nanoseconds
  • l: milliseconds (1000000 nanoseconds)
  • s: seconds (1000 milliseconds)
  • m: minutes (60 seconds)
  • h: hours (60 minutes)
  • d: days (24 hours)
  • w: weeks (7 days)
  • M: months (30 days)
  • y: years (365 days)

Unit specifiers are case-sensitive and unrecognized specifiers will be considered minutes.


While nanoseconds and milliseconds are supported by the parser, most commands will not support that level of precision and will round them to the next second.

If a component of a duration is prefixed by a minus (-), it will be subtracted from the duration instead of added.


The format is not a maths equation. Parenthesis are not supported and the minus only applies to the first component after it.
-12m4s subtracts 12 minutes and adds 4 seconds, while -12m-4s subtracts 12 minutes and 4 seconds.

Example durations

  • 12m45s: 12 minutes and 45 seconds
  • 2y4M: 2 years (730 days) and 4 months (120 days); 850 days in total
  • 1w2d: one week and 2 days
  • 1d4h25m2s: 1 day, 4 hours, 25 minutes and 2 seconds
  • 2w-4d: 2 weeks minus 4 days; 10 days in total

Released under the MIT License.