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Setting up Camelot

The recommended way of setting up Camelot is through Docker.

Camelot is available as an image on GHCR, at

Camelot stores its files in the /home/camelot/ directory:

  • .db SQLite databases in /home/camelot/data
  • logs in /home/camelot/bot_logs
  • static web server files in /home/camelot/static (only relevant if the web server module is enabled, as required by ban appeals or the Minecraft ownership verification command)

It is recommended that you mount the entire /home/camelot directory as a volume. You must mount at least /home/camelot/data or you will experience data loss.

Camelot is also available as a .jar executable under net.neoforged.camelot:camelot on Maven Central. The jar with the -all classifier contains all dependencies needed to run Camelot. Camelot runs on Java 21, and requires preview feature (enabled through --enable-preview).


Camelot is very configurable, using a Groovy script as its configuration format of choice.

By default, the configuration script is loaded from /home/camelot/camelot.groovy. This is customizable through the --config CLI argument.


The DSL of the configuration script is available as an artifact on Maven Central, under net.neoforged.camelot:camelot-config. It is recommended that you configure the file with an IDE (like IntelliJ) and with the DSL on the classpath (you may use the IntelliJ module configuration to quickly add the dependency without Gradle or Maven).

It is also recommended that you import the net.neoforged.camelot.config.module.* package for proper IDE support.

The DSL is composed of a root-level camelot object that may be configured through a closure:

camelot {
  // There are a few properties configured at this level
  token = 'abcd' // The Discord API bot token
  prefix = '!' // The command prefix

Secrets and sensitive values

Some configuration options may be sensitive, such as the bot token. If you'd like to configure those outside the file, you may use an environment variable and pull it through env(String).
Additionally, any value that is sensitive can be wrapped by secret(String). Doing so will provide a few protections against accidental leaks in the future.

camelot {
  // Use the BOT_TOKEN environment variable for the Discord bot token
  token = secret(env('BOT_TOKEN'))

Configuring Modules

Each module can be configured through the module(Class<ModuleConfiguration>, Closure) method of the camelot DSL. The available modules, their classes and configurable properties can be found on the javadoc website of the DSL.

You may enable or disable a module by setting the enabled property that can be found on every module class:

camelot {
  // Disable the message referencing module
  module(MessageReferencing) {
    enabled = false


You may disable all modules by default as follows:

camelot {
  eachModule { enabled = false }


The permissions required by this bot depend on the modules you plan on using. Consult each module's page to see what permissions it requires.


The bot requires the following intents:

  • Guild Messages
  • Message content
  • Guild Emojis and Stickers
  • Guild Message Reactions
  • Guild Members
  • Direct Messages
  • Guild Moderation

Released under the MIT License.